Do you know when your child should be expecting their first new teeth as a baby? How about when they should be loosing those baby teeth? As with many things in development, every child is different and has a different time frame for each stage, but we’ll give you a general idea of when you can expect these different stages to occur: from the appearance of baby teeth to the arrival of permanent adult teeth.BABY TEETH4 to 7 months:Usually the two front lower teeth begin to be exposed. Gums may become red and swollen where the teeth are cutting through.Fun Fact: Lower teeth usually come in before the upper teeth.8 to 12 months:Upper middle teeth tend to come in next (it is common for girls to get their baby teeth before boys!)9 to 16 months:Teeth on both sides of the middle teeth begin to come in, for both the top and bottom.Did You Know: Teeth usually erupt in pairs! One on the right, one on the left!12 to 19 months:Molars come in on the top and bottom about the same time.16 to 23 months:Canines (sharp, pointed teeth) begin to emerge.Tooth Truths: Baby teeth are usually brighter and whiter than permanent teeth, and are much smaller.2 to 3 years:Second molars come in, and by now your child should almost completely have a full set of 20 teeth! By 4 years old, jaw and facial bones continue to grow to allow more space for the incoming permanent teeth. NOTE: If your baby does not show signs of bottom teeth by 18 months, mention it to your doctor. Do not be alarmed, every child is different and some don’t begin showing teeth until after their first birthday, and catch up without any problems. LOOSING TEETH/ADULT TEETH6 to 12 years:Children begin loosing teeth, they can be lost in any order, but it is common to lose them in the same order they came in, starting with the front middle, gradually going back further in the mouth.12 years:Once your child has lost all of their baby teeth, their mouth now consists of 28 permanent teeth. Four wisdom teeth will begin to appear between 17 to 21 years old, however 85% of people end up having their wisdom teeth removed, so don’t get used to them for too long!
